You may be wondering what home-friendly activities you can do during the coming weeks and months to keep you entertained and physically active, while doing your part to help Australia flatten the COVID-19 curve. Whether you’re a homebody or somebody that likes to keep busy while out and about, this is the perfect time for you to discover the joy of doing activities and learning new skills from the comfort of your own home.
4 activity ideas for when you’re stuck at home
Rather than sitting on the couch twiddling your thumbs or re-watching your favourite TV show yet again, your team at bloom™ hearing specialists has put together a list of ideas to help you maximise your time at home and learn to enjoy your own company.

1. Clean, de-clutter and organise your home
A tidying expert, bestselling author and star of Netflix’s hit show “ Tidying Up with Marie Kondo”, Marie Kondo’s minimalism approach to simplifying and organising your home has taken the world by storm. Made famous for her “KonMari Method”, she takes her followers through a methodical approach of discarding items that no longer spark joy in your life, thanking them for their service, then letting them go. Now’s a better time than ever, to tackle room by room, going through items that you no longer need. Do you really need that Better Homes & Gardening magazine that’s been sitting untouched for the last five years? Didn’t think so!
With the current Coronavirus mantra of washing your hands regularly, you might as well take this time to clean and organise your home. Wipe down the dusty window sills, clean out your linen closet…do a bit of pre-Spring cleaning that will undoubtedly leave you feeling refreshed and satisfied, as you tick off each item. A tidy home is a happy home.

2. Jigsaw puzzle the day away
Avid puzzler or a beginner, you can keep your mind active and stimulated by picking up a jigsaw puzzle. Whether you live on your own or with a partner, puzzling is a rewarding activity as you chip away at the board bit by bit. If you’re a beginner, go easy on yourself by starting on a 500-piece and if you’re a novice, tackle a 1,000-piece project that is four times more difficult than a 500-piece. The challenge is yours to decide.
Puzzle-solving is proven to help adults improve their memory, build better problem-solving skills, enhancing mood as well as lowering stress levels. You can choose a puzzle theme that suits your interests or is visually appealing, whether it’s a scenic backdrop of an iconic location or a scene from your favourite movie. You’re never too young or old to puzzle!

3. Explore your green thumb through gardening
A fun and enriching activity that you can do outdoors while basking in the sun rays, gardening is the perfect activity where you can learn new skills or pick up from where you last left off. Depending on what you decide to grow, whether it be a little herb garden or some new florals for your planter box, you’ll reap the rewards of your efforts by having something beautiful to look at whenever you’re outside.
If you don’t have access to an outdoor garden, you can try your hand at planting indoor bulbs such as hyacinth, narcissus and amaryllis bulbs. A sight for sore eyes, these spring bulbs are beautiful additions to your window sills or around your home, where it’s sunny and well-lit.

4. Learn to play an instrument
According to a study carried out by Professor Nina Kraus of neurobiology, physiology and otolaryngology at Northwestern University, Illinois in the US, music can help to train the brain and improve hearing. Consisting of 18 musicians and 19 non-musicians between the ages for 45 to 65, the study found that among people with hearing loss, musicians were better at detecting, processing and remembering sounds.
Certain instruments have proven to be better for learners with hearing loss, with piano and guitar being amongst the popular choices. Alongside playing an instrument, singing and dancing can also be combined as a form of music therapy, assisting you to communicate better and preserve your speech listening skills. Plus, we’re here for you throughout your hearing journey.
Make social distancing or self-isolating at home a fun experience
And there you have it, four fun activity ideas you can do from the comfort of your own home, whether it’s by yourself or with a loved one.
We hope you found this list of ideas helpful and if you did, please feel free to share with your family members and friends who may be finding it difficult to stay at home during COVID-19.
For the latest updates on how bloom™ hearing specialists is keeping our valued customers safe and well during these uncertain times, please visit our COVID-19 Coronavirus Update page.