Hearing Blog
Hearing aids myth-busters

Hearing Aid Myth-Busters

Published 05/09/2018
Last Updated 22/10/2020

Don't believe everything you hear about hearing loss!
With so many myths and misconceptions surrounding hearing loss, it’s no surprise that some of the 3.5 million people around Australia affected by hearing loss are discouraged from seeking help.

Our bloom™ audiologists have put their heads together to myth-bust some of the most common misconceptions swirling around about hearing loss.

MYTH: Hearing aids only make things louder

FACT: Not true. With the advanced technology available today, hearing aids are manufactured and programmed to suit each individual’s specific type and degree of hearing loss. Hearing aids are advanced digital devices that provide exceptional sound, maximum clarity and peace of mind. Not just sound amplification.


MYTH: Hearing aids whistle, causing user discomfort

FACT: Whistling in hearing aids is normally caused by a problem called ‘feedback’. All hearing aids utilise advanced feedback cancelling systems that ensure they don’t whistle.


MYTH: Hearing aids cause hearing to deteriorate further

FACT: Not true. Hearing aids do not increase the rate of decline. The brain needs regular auditory stimulation to continue to remember how to process sound. The earlier hearing loss is corrected through the use of hearing aids, the better your ability to effectively communicate with those around you.


MYTH: Hearing aids can cure hearing loss

FACT: Not true. Hearing aids cannot cure hearing loss and they cannot make your hearing ‘normal.’ While the ear is still damaged, they can maximise the user’s hearing ability and improve their quality of life.


MYTH: It’s common and normal to experience discomfort when using hearing aids

FACT: Hearing aids should feel comfortable to wear. They shouldn’t cause a rash or ongoing discomfort and should never be uncomfortably loud.


MYTH: Hearing aids are only good for amplifying sound

FACT: Not true. When the hearing nerves of the brain are deprived of sound stimulation, as happens with hearing loss, they slowly become weaker and lose functionality. Consistent use of hearing aids can prevent auditory deprivation and restore brain functionality.