Hearing Blog
Helpful tips for better communication with your loved ones

Helpful Tips for Better Communication with Your Loved Ones

Published 21/07/2018
Last Updated 22/10/2020

Simple tips and tricks for better communication with your loved ones.

Whether you experience hearing loss or know someone who does, there are lots of ways both people in a conversation can improve the chances of being understood. When frustration can easily arise from miscommunication and asking things to be repeated, try following these simple tips for better communication.

Things you can do

  • Try to be within one to two metres of the person who is speaking and facing them
  • Use visual clues and speech reading
  • Use the context of the conversation to help you
  • Know the topic of the lecture or basic plot of the movie or play before you go
  • Sit beside the person you most want to speak to
  • Reduce or eliminate any other noises (eg turn off the TV, move away from noisy appliances) while talking
  • Put the noisiest thing behind you and the conversation you want to hear in front of you
  • Say the part of the sentence you did hear so only the few missed words need to be repeated “what do you want me to put in the garden?”

Things others can do
  • Get the person’s attention before you start to speak by calling their name or touching their arm
  • Don’t converse from another room, go to them or wait until they come to you before you start talking
  • Speak slowly, clearly and don’t shout
  • Reword what is being missed, don’t just repeat it
  • Don’t expect them to hear you clearly when your head is in the fridge, under the car bonnet or behind a newspaper
  • Reduce or eliminate any other noises (eg turn off the TV, move away from noisy appliances) while talking
  • Understand that no one hears 100% of everything 100% of the time (even with normal hearing)