Hearing Blog
Stay connected with a spouse with hearing loss

Stay Connected with a Spouse with Hearing Loss

Published 02/04/2020
Last Updated 22/10/2020

Are you living with a spouse with hearing loss? Here's how you can stay connected and maintain a healthy relationship during the coronavirus.

Does your partner have hearing loss? Here’s a few ways you can maintain a healthy relationship during lockdown.

Regardless of how long you’ve been married for, we all know that marriage is an ever-evolving, growing relationship that requires commitment and understanding, with or without perfect hearing. While it may test your patience at times, it is vital that you both focus on communicating effectively and enjoying each other’s companionship when staying home during COVID-19. The more time and experiences you can share together, the fonder memories you’ll create.

With these unprecedented times, make sure that you can lean on one another and provide each other with support, when needed. As hearing is an essential part of everyday communication, there are ways for you to keep nurturing your relationship while overcoming any perceived obstacles that may stand in your way.

Audiologist having a session with hearing challenged woman

Work with a hearing specialist

At bloom™ hearing specialists, we believe better hearing starts with listening.

If your partner is taking the first step towards improving their hearing, try to understand that this may be an exciting time for some and a little daunting for others. As per our latest Coronavirus update, our clinic will be remaining open and is safe to visit, with our comprehensive infection control program in place.

Whether you are booking a new appointment for your partner or it’s time for a check-up, you can provide support by accompanying them to our clinic – four ears are always better than two. Our hearing specialists will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have about their hearing loss.

family spending quality time together

Spend quality time together

As the years go on, it can be easy for couples to fall into a comfortable rhythm where you may be in the same room but not be spending actual quality time together. Use this time to explore hobbies you both enjoy or pursue interests that spark excitement in each other. A great “date night” can be had without leaving your house.

This can be as simple as cooking a new recipe together or watching your favourite movie together.

You can also change things up by working on a new jigsaw puzzle or playing a boardgame and sitting at a table across from each other. Not only will it get your brain ticking, but the face-to-face setting will help to build better and more effective communication, while being in a relaxed environment.

family playing card game together

Keep a positive attitude and keep talking

If you’re not used to being confined at home together all day, every day, it can be challenging at the start. By keeping a positive attitude and a sense of humour as you go about your day, or when communication breaks down, you will be encouraging your partner to remain comfortable and confident around you.

Share laughs and funny stories with your friends and family, be your partner’s biggest advocate.

Even if you’re having a bit of an off day, it’s still a good idea to discuss your thoughts and feelings with your partner. By being honest and intimate with each other, you’re also building trust and practicing open communication, which are core foundations to staying connected.